Friday, February 26, 2010

Moonlight Road by Robyn Carr

With her beloved younger siblings settled and happy, Erin Foley has got empty nest syndrome. At age thirty-five.

So she’s hitting the pause button on her life and holing up in a secluded (but totally upgraded, she’s not into roughing it) cabin near Virgin River. Erin is looking forward to really getting to know herself...not some shaggy-haired mountain man she meets wandering the woods.

In fact, beneath his faded fatigues and bushy beard, Aiden Riordan is a doctor, recharging for a summer after leaving the Navy. He’s intrigued by the pretty, slightly snooty refugee from the rat race — meditating, journaling and definitely keeping him at arm’s length. He’d love to get closer...if his scruffy exterior and crazy ex-wife don’t hold him back.

But maybe it’s something in the water — unlikely romances seem to take root in Virgin River...helped along with some well-intentioned meddling, of course.

I love this series! It is so heartwarming and uplifting. This is like the warm, fuzzy blankets of book series for me. The stories envelope you and you wish Virgin River was a real place. This is the 11th book in the series and, as with many other series, there are reader favorites. Not every book in a series can be your favorite right? Some fall short but I think Moonlight Road delivers.
I still don't think any of the stories can compare with Jack and Mel's original story, however I was really looking forward to Adien's story.

When I started Moonlight Road, I was a little worried because I wasn't sure I was going to like Erin, but for all of her bossiness and uptight persona she was a great heroine. I think of the most recent additions to the VR series: I liked Noah & Ellie's story the best I think the writing in Forbidden Falls was some of the best since the first 3 books.

The story really focused on the H/H. My least favorite was Angel's Peak, I thought that, again there was too much going on and there wasn't enough development of Sean and Francie's story. Although, I wonder if Carr thought their previous history together would suffice. So Moonlight Road was my second favorite of these three stories. I thought Aiden was great. I was a little frustrated at Mel in the Jack/Mel side-story they had going on. You knew she would do the right thing but it was a little frustrating at times. Glad Jack stood strong against all Mels' urging and stubbornness.

All in all, this was a good addition to the series. I wonder if we'll see the last two Riordan brothers, Paddy & Colin, get their own stories?


I received this as a digital ARC through NetGalley. I did not receive any compensation for this review.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Prodigal Daughter Returns

So as I've explained in my "About" section I'm not new to the blog-o-sphere. I used to manage my book review blogs Biblioharlot's Bookshelf and Teen Troves. Both of which have been disbanded. For awhile now I've been lurking and reading all my favorite blogs via Google Reader and only occasionally emerging from lurkdom to comment.

I had gotten away from blogging because it felt more like a chore than something I was excited to do. Then I went through a horrid reading slump and all book reviews came to a complete halt. My reading slump ended around November 2008. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and my way of dealing? Yep, you guessed it....I dove into books. Read one after another after another so I didn't have to contemplate what life might be like if something were to happen to my mom. Thankfully, she was very lucky and is now, a little over a year later, she is doing great.

In January of 2009 I also started a book club comprised of college friends and church friends. So, I actually had people in my life to discuss books with! When I first started blogging it was because I wanted to connect with other readers and that wasn't happening in my "real" life so, I looked to connect with other readers via the blog-o-sphere.

For a few months now I've been contemplating starting up another blog. I didn't want to resurrect Biblioharlot's Bookshelf or Teen Troves, just wanted to start fresh so Book Fare Delights was born!

This blog won't review just romance or YA books. I've found that if I don't mix up the genres I read I very easily get burned out which usually leads to a reading slump. So my strategy has been something like this: read a YA, then a romance, then mystery, then fantasy/sci-fi/speculative fiction, then literary fiction and everything in between. By switching around I keep myself from getting into a rut and this strategy has been working well for the last year so I'm going to stick with it!

I've been working on the blog design and how I want things set up. This will probably continue for awhile until I get things the way I want them. So bare with me for awhile and if you have any suggestions or comments I'd be glad to hear them!

It feels good to be back!
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